Glavna hrana na našem potepanju po Škotskem je bila pašta na 1001 način. In po nekajdnevnem pohajkovanju po otoku Skye je bil čas, da smo našo “priljubljeno” pašto zamenjali za nekaj lokalnega. In to v stilu. 🙂 Že doma sem bral o lokalu na zahodni obali otoka, ki slovi po okusni morski hrani – vse od ostrig, jastogov, škampov, dimljenih rib… Skratka, kar se tiče mene – raj na zemlji. In smo šli. Na kosilo. Nebeško kosilo, ki bi pri nas konkretno izpraznilo denarnico, je tam gori na severu stalo toliko, kolikor bi plačali v Sparovi menzi v BTC-ju!!! Res smešne cene za izredno okusne morske dobrote. In ko so bili trebuščki polni, smo se odpravili še na plaže nedaleč stran. V večernih urah smo se odpravili na fantastično plažo Talisker, prebujanja jutra smo opazovali malo bolj južneje, ob plažah Elgol. To je bilo naše zadnje jutro na otoku, otoku, ki ga upam še obiščemo. V naslednjem postu pa o poti proti severu Škotske.
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Main dish on our journey through Scotland was probably “pasta” with all kind of dressing. But after a few days on the island of Skye it was time to change that. In style. 🙂 At home I read about the oyster bar on the west coast of the island, that is famous for its delicious seafood – everything from oysters, lobsters, shrimps, smoked fish … And so we went for a lunch, maybe a feast is a better word. 🙂 For a lunch that would probably emptied our wallet at home we paid as we would pay for a lunch in some supermarket!!! Really ridiculous prices for an amazing seafood. And when our bellies were full, we went to some amazing beaches nearby. In the evening we went to a beach Talisker and watched the sunset. Elgol was the place to see the sunrise. That was our last morning on the island, the island, which I hope we will visit again.