Otok Skye – sončni zahod na klifih Neist Point


Otok Skye je prava paša za oči in sedaj vem, zakaj popotniki govorijo večinoma le o njem. Po obisku Quiraing-a nas je pot vodila po severnih obalah otoka vse do skrajne zahodne točke otoka – rta s svetilnikom Neist Point, obkroženega z mogočnimi klifi. Ker je bilo vreme naravnost fantastično, smo izkoristili popoldanske ure za nekaj krajših pohodov v okolici, sončni zahod pa smo skupaj z nekaj deset fotografov s celega sveta opazovali na že prav kičasti lokaciji, visoko na klifih nad prostranim severnim morjem. In ker za večerjo enostavno ni bilo časa zaradi vseh pogledov, razgledov in oh in sploh pokrajine, smo ob koncu dneva vrgli vase le skodelico ali dve muslija in se odpravili na drugo stran otoka, kjer smo prenočili pod mogočnimi stenami Old Man of Storr. O tem pa prihodnjič.


Island of Skye is really something special and now I know why travelers usually talk just about it. After visiting Quiraing, we were slowly driving to the western point of the island – Neist Point lighthouse, surrounded by magnificent cliffs. The weather was amazing and we had to do some hikes in the area. But at the end of the day, at sunset, we and more than 10 photographers from all around the world positioned ourselves at the top of the majestic cliffs above the North sea. The views were sooo amazing, that we didn’t have time for dinner again. So we just quickly ate some musli and drove to the other site of the island. We slept below the mighty Old Man of Storr – but that’s the story for the next post. 🙂 


