Projekt “Monaco 2012” – naročnik “KKB trading SA”

V mesecu decembru sva skupaj z asistentko (ženo) preživela 4 delovne dni v kneževini Monaco. Nepozaben projekt, o katerem sem lahko le sanjal in ga tudi dosanjal. 4 dni fotografiranja od jutra do večera, vmes pa druženje z res super naročnikom. Objavljam le nekaj fotografij, kaj se lahko vidi in doživi v Monacu.

Po 8 urah vožnje sva pozno popoldan prispela nad kneževino Monaco, se povzpela na zadnjo skalo nad njim ter začela s projektom. Vse skupaj je bilo super, edina stvar, ki jo nisem pričakoval, je bil ekstremno mrzel veter, ki me je prepihal do kosti – na trenutke sem se počutil, kot da sem v ta pravih hribih.  Razgledi so bili noro dobri, zato je bilo vse poplačano.

V petek je sledilo turobno jesensko vreme – pravo nasprotje četrtka. Dež, veter in res slaba svetloba so pripomogle, da smo dodelali program za soboto in nedeljo in si pogledali lokacije, ki so bile na spisku želja naročnika.

In December, me and my assistant (my wife) spent four days working in the Principality of Monaco. Unforgettable  project, which I could only dream abouit it. 4 days shooting from morning till night, and in between spending time with really great clients. I am publishing just a few photos of what can be seen and experienced in Monaco.

After 8 hours of driving we arrived late in the afternoon to the principality of Monaco, climbed to the last rock over it and started the project. All together it was great, the only thing I did not expect was the extremely cold wind – at times I felt as if I was in the real mountains. Views were crazy, so it was all worth it.

On Friday, the weather was horrible – rainy, windy and the light was not “really good”. Because of that we worked out the program for Saturday and Sunday and looked at the locations that were on the wish list of the customer.

V soboto popoldan je sledilo še fotografiranje restavracije in noro dobre, okusne hrane. Tempo pri vsem je bil nor, sploh pa pri fotografiranju hrane. “Chef” kuhinje in restavracije z verjetno najboljšim razgledom v Monacu je bil ob fotografiranju hrane prijazen, a čutil sem, da je vsaka sekunda, ki jo porabim za fotografiranje krožnika preveč. Ne pretiravam, a za krožnik sva imela z ženo na razpolago max. 30 sekund. Potem pa fotkaj. 🙂

On Saturday afternoon we had a session of the restaurants, followed with photographing amazing, tasty food. The pace was crazy, especially when photographing food. “Chef” of the kitchen and the restaurant with probably the best view in Monaco was great, but I felt that every second we spend shooting a dish was too much. I’m not exaggerating but for a dish I had only max. 30 seconds – to make good photo. 🙂

Sledilo je še nekaj prostega časa, ogled japonskega vrta in potem iz +17 na -12, 8 ur kasneje v Ljubljani.

After that we had some free time, so we visited the Japanese garden and then straight back home – from +17 to -12, 8 hours later in Ljubljana.

