Poroka A&D, Gostilna Rakar

Vsako leto naju v Novo mesto in okolico zaradi poročnega fotografiranja zanese kar nekajkrat in zadnjič v tej sezoni sva bila tam dober teden nazaj, na poroki A&D. Celotni poročni dan se je po začetnih pripravah odvijal v Gostilni Rakar pri Trebnjem, kjer je potekal civilni obred in poročna zabava. In kljub temu, da je bila vremenska napoved grozljiva, smo imeli na koncu neverjetno srečo. OK, lahko bi počakalo še tisto dobro uro in bi po načrtih izvedli tudi zastavljeni session, a mogoče bi bilo to že kar preveč. 🙂 Tako pa smo tistih nekaj fotografij naredili kar pred samo Gostilno, v zajetju lepo zelenih krošenj dreves. 🙂 A&D, uživajte. 😉

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Every year, we travel couple of times because of wedding photography to Novo mesto and its surroundings. And a week ago, on a wedding day of A&D, it was the last time this year. After wedding preparations in Novo mesto, the entire wedding day took place at the Gostilna Rakar near Trebnje. And despite the fact that the weather forecast was horrible, we were lucky again. OK, it would be better if it would not started to rain just before the photo session, but that might be just too much. 🙂 So because of rain we did a short session simply in front of the Rakar house – in the shade of green trees. 😉

