Poroka A&S, Orehov Gaj, Ljubljana

Marsikaj je dobrega v tej poročni fotografiji a pri meni na koncu konkretno zmaga ena – in to so ljudje. 😉 V zadnjih letih, ko sem najprej sam, potem pa z Ano, prebredel različne konce Slovenije, sem pri vseh teh oddelanih porokah srečal res neverjetno število zanimivih ljudi. Ljudi, z neverjetnimi življenskimi zgodbami, dosežki… Največ interkacije imaš kot fotograf seveda vedno s poročnim parom samim in z nekaterimi smo se “zaštekali” v prvo. A v spominu mi je ostalo tudi kar nekaj ostalih ljudi, gostincev, glasbenikov in nenazadnje svatov, ki so bili neverjetne pojave. 🙂 Poročni dan A&S v Orehovem gaju pri Ljubljani pred dobrim tednom dni je bil zagotovo v znamenju dobre volje in smeha. Toliko smeha, kot sem videl prejšnji teden, ga nisem na poročni dan doživel že kar nekaj časa. Energija je bila vrhunska in fotografiranje je bilo čisti užitek. No in če k temu dodam še nekaj svatov, ki sem jih poznal iz poroke že kar nekaj let nazaj, je bil dan še toliko bolj zanimiv. A&S, hvala za tale super sproščen poročni dan. In da boste tako, kot ste v soboto, uživali tudi naprej. 😉

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There are many good things about wedding photography but in the end, in my case, the winner is one – the people. 😉 In the last years, when we photographed many weddings around Slovenia, we met an incredible number of interesting people, with amazing life stories, achievements … When you are photographing at the wedding day, you interact the most with the wedding couple of course. And with some it was like we knew each other for years. But in my memory I have also some other interesting people, like musicians or restaurant chefs and of course some wedding guests, that were truly unforgettable. The wedding day of A & S, that was held in Orehov gaj in Ljubljana was full of positive energy and laughter. The energy was superb and photographing was pure pleasure. And because I already knew some guests from the wedding day couple of years ago it was even better. 😉 A & S, thank you for this awesome relaxed wedding day. We wish you just to continue with this super positive energy also in the future. 😉

