Najlepši kotički Bretanije se skrivajo čisto na severozahodnem delu Francije. Simpatične, kot iz pravljice vzete vasice, ohranjene do vsake malenkosti, najdeš skoraj za vsakim vogalom. Potem so tu čarobni gozdovi polni menhirjev, ki te brez težav prežarčijo v čase Asterixa, Obelixa in njune bande. 🙂 Po raziskovanju mogočnih menhirjev v okolici mestec Monteneuf in Carnac, smo se ob obali počasi začeli premikati proti severu Bretanije. Divja obala mi je bila pisana na kožo in brez težav sem si predstavljal, kako bi nekaj let preživel v tistih koncih. Postankov na poti bi bilo lahko ogromno, a malo več časa smo si vzeli le za Saint Goustan in še posebej simpatičen Doëlan. Tisti večer, tik pred prihodom nevihte, je bil sploh nekaj posebnega. 🙂
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The most beautiful parts of Brittany are hidden in the northwestern part of France. Lovely villages are almost on every corner and in between you can explore beautiful, rough coast. Then there are magical forests full of Meghaliths and its easy to feel like you are in a Asterix and Obelix story. 🙂 After exploring the mighty Meghaliths in the surroundings of the Monteneuf and Carnac, we slowly began to drive along the coast to the north of Brittany. The wild coastline was written to my skin and I it was easy to imagine to spend couple of years there. We could easily stop for hundreds of time but we took some more time just for Saint Goustan and especially Doëlan, that was perfect in that late evening light, just before the storm arrived. 🙂