Poroka E+G, grad Strmol, gostilna Mihovc

poroka grad strmol, mihovc

Poročna sezona je že v polnem zagonu in tokrat lahko objavim nekaj fotografij iz majske poročne sobote teden dni nazaj. Letošnji maj je definitivno v znamenju dežja in dež je bil na žalost stalnica tudi vseh mojih poročnih sobot, med drugim tudi poročnega dne E&G. Če je vreme med cerkvenim obredom, ki je potekal v cerkvi Crngrob pri Škofji loki, še sodelovalo, je bila zadeva med civilnim obredom, ki bi moral potekati na zunanjem travniku gradu Strmol, žal drugačna. Iz neba se je vsulo kot da ni padalo že več mesecev in ni nam preostalo drugega, ko da se civilni obred izvede v notranjosti gradu. Kljub zapletom pa se E&G nista pustila motiti in poročna zabava v gostilni Mihovc je bila več kot odlična – tudi po zaslugi zasdbe Kranjci, ki nikoli ne razočarajo. 😉 E&G, želiva vama vse lepo v vajinem skupnem življenju. 😉

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The wedding season is already in full swing and this time I can publish some photos from the last weekend wedding day of E&G. This May we have just too many rainy days and unfortunately this was the case also on my wedding photo days. The last Saturday, on the wedding day of E&G, the weather was still on our side during the church ceremony, that took place at a beautiful church in Crngrob near Škofja Loka. But during the civil ceremony, that took place at the Strmol castle, it was a different story. It was raining like crazy and there was no other way then organize the ceremony inside of the castle. But even though things didn’t go as planned, E&G didn’t bother at all. The wedding party at Mihovc near Ljubljana was great, also because of great band Kranjci, that never disappoints. 😉 E & G, we wish you all the best in your life together. 😉

