Poroka Ines in Tadeja – Lifeclass Portorož


Če je bil poleti dež skoraj stalnica poročnih sobot, pa je september vsaj do danes prava uspešnica. 🙂 In če se prav spomnim je bilo super že lansko leto. V zadnjem času je bilo fotografsko pestro, a na žalost določenih stvari ne morem pokazati. Na srečo sta Ines in Tadej soglašala z objavo vsaj nekaj fotografij z njune obmorske, skoraj poletne poročne sobote v Portorožu in okolici. Priprave so se odvijale v hotelu Slovenija, cerkveni obred v bližnjem Strunjanu, civilni in zabava pa na terasi Mystica oz. v dvorani hotela Slovenija. Vmes pa zabaven session na ne ravno običajni lokaciji. Najprej na letališču Portorož, med parkiranimi letali vseh možnih oblik in barv, potem pa še na bolj obljudenih sečoveljskih solinah. Odlično. 🙂 I&T, želiva vama vse lepo na vajini skupni poti.


I can’t remember a wedding Saturday this year without any rain. OK, there were maybe 2 or 3,  but still too much rain if you ask me. But the weather in September is perfect – till now. 🙂 And if I remember correctly it was great already last year. We were busy lately with differetn photo projects but unfortunatelly I can’t show any result. Luckily Ines and Tadej agreed to publish at least a few photos from their almost summer wedding Saturday in Portoroz and its surroundings. Preparations were held in hotel Slovenija in Portorož, church ceremony in the nearby Strunjan, civil ceremony at the Mystica terraceand party in the hotel nearby. And in between we had a great photo session at not really usual location. First at the Portorož Airport between the parked airplanes of all possible shapes and colors, and then in a more populated Sečovlje salt pans. Excellent. 🙂 I & T, we wish you all the best._x3a5546_x3a5589_x3a5773_x3a5798_x3a6406_x3a6469_x3a6322_x3a6575_x3a6666_x3a6815_x3a6842_x3a7130_x3a7167_x3a6983

