Poroka M&M, Jezero Jasna, Kranjska gora

Vremenska napoved je bila slaba. No, slaba je bila za osrednjo Slovenijo, za Gorenjsko pa naravnost obupna. In ko sem M&M že v Ljubljani med pripravami povprašal, kakšen je plan B za civilni poročni obred ob jezeru Jasna v Kranjski Gori, sta mi oba omenila, da plana B pač ni. Da včasih je treba enostavno tvegati. 🙂 🙂 In poročno tvegati je očitno nekaj običajnega v tej družini. 🙂 Pri prvi sestri so tvegali v Bohinju in vse je je izšlo super. Pri drugi sestri so tvegali v Trenti in tudi v deželi, kjer ima dež definitivno mlade, so se zadeve končale odlično. In ko smo se v soboto teden dni nazaj počasi peljali proti končnemu cilju na Gorenjskem in nas je že pri Kranju zajel naliv epskih razsežnosti, mi vse skupaj ni bilo več jasno. Podvodno ohišje namreč ni ravno običajen spremljevalec na porokah in glede na videno bi tisti dan prišlo še kako prav. 🙂 Prvi del sessiona smo ob Savi Dolinki začuda oddelali v suhem vremenu, na Zelencih pa so stvari postale spet bolj mokre. A sreča očitno spremlja hrabre. Le nekaj kilometrov stran, ob Jezeru Jasna, so bile vremenske razmere med civilnim poročnim obredom naravnost idilične. Super poročna zabava v hotelu Ramada v Kranjski Gori pa je bila le pika na i še eni fajn poročni soboti. M&M, hvala za tole super avanturo. 😉 Želiva vama vse oh in sploh. 😉

* * *

The weather forecast was really not good. Well, it was not good for Central Slovenia, but for Gorenjska region it was horrible. And when I asked M&M during preparations whats the plan B for outdoor civil ceremony at the Jasna lake near Kranjska Gora, they said, that there is no plan B. Sometimes you just have to gamble. 🙂 🙂 It was similar with other two sisters wedding days that I photographed years ago. The first wedding was in Bohinj and everything turned great, the second was organised in Trenta and it was again perfect. But when we slowly drove towards the Kranjska Gora and crazy storm hit us in Kranj, I thought that good luck has gone. The first part of the session was miraculously without rain but things changed quickly when we came to Zelenci.  But obvisuly they know what are they doing. 🙂 🙂 Just a few kilometers away, at the Jasna Lake, the weather conditions were idyllic. And a great wedding party at the Ramada Hotel in Kranjska Gora was just the cherry on the cake of another great wedding day. M & M, thanks for this great adventure. 😉 We wish you all the best in the future 😉

