Poroka Katje in Urbana – Ribnica, Kolpa

Poročni dan Katje in Urbana si bom med drugim zapomnil po naslednjih treh stvareh. Že takoj sem opazil, da imam opravka z res kreativno nevesto. Praktično vse je bilo narejeno – doma. Poročni šopek, res zanimivo vabilo, obešalniki za poročne obleke, različne dekoracije, škatle za pecivo… ni da ni. Seveda vse pod budnim očesom ženina Urbana. 🙂 Zabave, kot sem ji bil priča v soboto, tudi ne vidiš vsak dan. Nora fešta, ki se je začela takoj po prihodu v gostilno, je trajala in trajala. OK, vmes je bila kratka pavza za hrano in pijačo, drugače pa dobra glasba s strani benda Double trouble in zabava do jutranjih ur. Ja, in potem je bila še pot domov, na kateri sem v skoraj dveh urah srečal 1 povoženo lisico, 5 živih lisic, zajca – ki je verjetno bežal pred lisico, kuno, srno in neko veliko krilato pošast – beri sovo. Ja in nisem se peljal čez ZOO Ljubljana. 🙂 Cerkevni obred je potekal v Novi Štifti, civilni ob Kolpi v Osilnici, zabava v gostilni Kovač. Katja in Urban, čestitke in le tako naprej. 🙂

I will remember wedding day of Katja and Urban because of the following three things. I noticed immediately that I was photographing really creative bride. Practically all has been done – at home. Bridal bouquet, a really interesting invitation, hangers for wedding dresses, various decorations, boxes for cakes ... Of course, all under the watchful eye of the groom Urban. 🙂 Then there was party that you do not see every day. Crazy party, which began immediately after arrival at the restaurant, lasted and lasted. OK, in between there was a brief pause for food and drink, but otherwise good music by the band Double trouble and party until the early hours. Yeah, and then the way back home, where I met in almost two hours one dead fox, 5 live foxes, rabbit which was probably running from the fox, weasel, a deer and a big flying monster owl. And I was not driving through the Ljubljana ZOO. 🙂 The church ceremony took place in Nova  Štifta, the civil ceremony near the river Kolpa in Osilnica and the party in the restaurant Kovac. Katja and Urban, congratulations. 🙂

