Zaročno fotografiranje

Za mano je trenutno zadnje planirano zaročno fotografiranje to poletje. Do letošnje sezone niti nisem razmišljal, da bi ga vključil v moje delo – a po kar nekaj fotografiranjih lahko rečem le, da so zadetek v polno. Glede na vprašanja, ki jih dobivam sklepam, da “zaročno fotografiranje” ni najbolj posrečen izraz  – sploh ker me sprašujejo, če gre za fotkanje na dan, ko se par zaroči. Mnenja sem, da imamo kljub poplavi fotografij, ki jih naredimo s pametnimi telefoni in nizkocenovnimi fotoaparati res malo dobrih osebnih, družinskih fotografij ali pa fotografij svojih otrok. Da pa je mera polna, vse fotografije hranimo na računalnikih, karticah,USB ključih… Vse lepo in prav, dokler se vam ne zgodi, da kakšna od naprav z npr. vsemi fotografijami vaših otrok enostavno crkne. Če gre npr. pri zaročnem fotografiranju tudi za pripravo na poročni dan, spoznavanje s fotoaparatom ter da pokažem parom, da fotografiranje ni bav-bav – pa še nekaj dobrih, nepozabnih fotografij se naredi zraven :), pa so pri fotografiranju družin, nosečnic, zaljubljenih parov, otrok… v ospredju fotografije same, ki bodo ostale večno – sploh, če se jih razvije ali natisne v obliki popularnih fotoknjig. Pred časom mi je nek glasbenik na poročni večerji razlagal o poroki njegove sestre oz. sestrične ter o tem, kakšni bleferji smo poročni fotografi in fotografi nasploh. Na dolgo mi je razložil, da je sam, z malim črnim fotoaparatom in vgrajenim flešem in tisto nastavitvijo “zeleni kvadratek” naredil fotke, ki so bila svetlobna leta pred fotkami uradnega fotografa – sploh, ker je on fotkal s flešem, zato so bile barve žive, fotograf pa je iz njemu nejasnih razlogov fotkal brez fleša. 🙂 :)Očitno je čas, da premislim, kaj delam  narobe – mogoče je kriv tisti zeleni kvadratek? :):) Vse fotke v tem postu pa so iz “zaročnega fotografiranja” T&P – slovenska obala, junij 2014.

My last planned engagement session for this summer is over. Till this year I didn’t even think about doing engagmenet sessions – but after this years sessions I have to say that they are perfect. Probably the word “engagement session” confuse some people, becasue I got a few questions if we have to make this on a engagement day. Well, hopefully not. I believe that we, despite of hundreds of photos that we make with smartphones and low-cost cameras, usually don’t have so many good personal photos or photos of your children, families… And the majority of photos we store on computers, USB key… – all well and good, as long as they stop working one day. For me the engagement session is all about to prepare my couples for the wedding day, getting to know them with the camera and to show couples that photography is not something scary – and of course to make some amazing photos. 🙂 But when photographing families, pregnant women, couples in love, children … there is just making amazing photos that will last forever – especially if they are developed or printed in the form of popular photo book. Some time ago a musician was talking about his sisters or cousins wedding at the wedding dinner that I was photographing.  And he didn’t have a good opinion about wedding photographers and photographers in general. He was explaining to me that on that wedding he was photographing with his small black compact camera all day and night – using flash all the time and settings – “you know that green frame” on camera.” And when he saw photos from the professional photographer from that day he realized that his photos are just useless – he didn’t use flash at all, and because of that colors were just not “right”. 🙂 🙂 Well, I have to think again what I am doing wrong – maybe that “green frame”?  All photos in this post are from the session with T&P – slovenian coast, june 2014.

