Red bull Goni Poni 2019, Kranjska gora, Vršič

V soboto sem se že tretjič v zadnjem tednu potikal po gorenjskih koncih. Točno teden dni nazaj sem bil na jezeru Jasna, na poroki M&M, o kateri pa več v naslednjih dneh. V sredo je sledila podobna zadeva na sosednjem Bledu, včeraj pa akcija spet v Kranjski gori v okviru že tradicionalne Red bull prireditve Goni Poni. Prvič  sem videl zadevo v živo in definitivno si jo bom ogledal še kdaj. Super zabavna kolesarska prireditev je sicer za nekatere tudi ornk tekma. A za večino udeležencev je le super sproščen, a malce naporen dogodek, kjer v ospredje pridejo predvsem najboljši outfiti in nadvse “uporabni” pripomočki. 🙂 TOP!!! Mogoče kot ideja, kako popestriti sosednji Giro ali francoski Tour. 😉

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On Saturday it was the third time for me this week to be in Gorenjska region. Exactly a week ago I was at Jasna Lake, at the M & M wedding day, from where I will post some images in next couple of days. On Wednesday I had the wedding day on lake Bled and yesterday it was time for some action again, this time on the traditional event Red bull Goni Poni 2019. I saw couple fo photos from previous years and it looked great but in real its even better. Its a great cycling event, for some also a competition, but for a majority just an event, where you can have fun, suffer a little bit and wear some really funky or lets just say crazy outfits. 🙂 🙂 But perhaps this event is also an idea, how to “upgrade” maybe too serious Giro and Tour de France. 😉

