Poroka Sandre in Andreja – Galerija Repanšek

Poročni dan Sandre in Andreja je bil verjetno zadnji vroč poletni dan letos. Dan, ko imaš občutek, da je na cesti vsa Slovenija in pol ostale Evrope  in ko lahko le upaš, da ne boš ujet v zagotovljenih zastojih proti morju. No, tisti dan morje ni bilo v planu, vseeno pa smo bili zaradi zastojev okoli Ljubljane na trnih vse do civilnega obreda, ki je potekal v Galeriji Repanšek pri Domžalah – kjer je potekala tudi poročna zabava. Časa tudi zaradi tega ni bilo na pretek, session pa je bil bolj podoben šprintu na 100 metrov. 🙂 Sandra in Andrej, uživajta oz. bolje rečeno uživajte še naprej.

Wedding day of Sandra and Andrej was probably the last hot summer day this year. Well, that day, when you have the felling, that all Slovenia and half of Europe are on our roads, driving towards the sea. And you really hope, that you will not be stucked in a traffic jam on the way to the coast. Well, that day the sea was not on our itinerary, but we were still a little bit stressed because of the traffic jams around the capital Ljubljana. The civil ceremony took place in Galerija Repanšek near Domžale – also the place of wedding party. Because of all time was not on our side – the session was like a 100 meter sprint race. 🙂 Sandra and Andrej, all the best to all 3 of you. 

