Posočje 1. del – slap Sopota, slap Beri in šola na daljavo

Ker smo imeli enostavno dovolj domačega okolja, smo prejšnji teden med tednom kljub slabemu vremenu nekaj dni  preživeli v Posočju. Že med potepanji po deželah severne Evrope smo se naučili, da dež ne sme biti ovira ali izgovor da ostaneš doma – s fajn opremo je še vedno izvedljivo marsikaj. 🙂 😉 Tokrat je bil potep skombiniran še s šolo na daljavo, ki jo moramo prakticirati zaradi omejitev, povezanih s koronavirusom. A tudi pri tem si lahko z malo prilagajanja zelo mobilen in precej na daljavo. 🙂 Prva postojanka na naši mali avanturi po Posočju je bil slap Sopota blizu Ljubinja pri Tolminu. Slap je bil ob naših prejšnjih obiskih (link tukaj) vedno simpatično majhen. No, tokrat je bilo malo drugače in na trenutke smo imeli zaradi vode vsepovsod občutek, kot da tavamo po tropskem pragozdu. Ker smo noč preživeli visoko v hribih nad Tolminom, kjer je bil mobilni signal zelo slab, Jaka pa je imel obvezno šolsko videokonferenco, smo zjutraj na hitro odtavali proti dolini. Pred šolskim spraševanjem preko videokonference smo imeli še bližnje srečanje z lokalnim muflonom, kar pa ni zmedlo našega učenjaka. Sledila je še tura do slapu Beri tik pred Tolminom, ki prav tako ni razočaral.

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Because we had enough of our home environment, we decided to spent a few days in the Soča river area. We learnt from our journeys around the countries of northern Europe that there is no bad weather – there is just bad equipment that can destroy your trips. 🙂 😉 This time we combined bad weather with homeschooling, that we have to practise because of corona issues. The first stop on our little adventure in the Posočje was the Sopota waterfall near Ljubinj village near Tolmin. The waterfall has always been sympathetically small on our previous visits. Well, this time it was a little different. 🙂 When we hiked to the natural amphitheater of the waterfall it was raining on us from all angles. The waterfall was wild and because of all the new green leafs in the forest around us we felt like we were wandering through some rainy tropical rainforest. 🙂 The next morning, fun and educational things just kept coming. Since we spent the night high in the hills above Tolmin, where the mobile signal was very poor and Jaka had a compulsory school video conference, we quickly drove towards the valley in the morning and while driving almost bumped into the mouflon’s ass. 🙂 How Jaka described the morning’s incidents at the video conference was just super fun 🙂 After school obligations, we did a tour to the waterfall not far away – for the first time we visited the Beri waterfall just before Tolmin, which was also great.

