Jutranji shopping in spektakularna Jampik Kala, Uzbekistan

Tokrat objavljam zadnji post o Uzbekistanu. Po obisku sterilnega starega mestnega jedra Khive smo zadnji dan ob odhodu na obronku mesta končno videli tudi nekaj življenja. Mestna tedenska tržnica pritegne lokalne prebivalce iz vseh bližnjih mestec in vasic in vandranje med polnimi stojnicami super prijaznih domačink je bila še ena res lepa izkušnja. A ker smo imeli pred nami še kar nekaj kilometrov, smo se počasi podali proti severozahodu. Glavni cilj tistega dne je bil poleg prihoda v Nukus, tudi obisk (po pripovedovanju lastnika hotela v Khivi) najlepših ruševin starih peščenih trdnjav, trdnjave Jampik Kala. In gospod se definitivno ni zmotil. Že nekaj kilometrov pred prihodom na cilj smo od daleč občudovali mogočne ostanke starodavnega obzidja. A mogočnost in veličino trdnjave začutiš šele, ko stojiš tik ob njej. Več kot 10 metrov visoki ostanki obzidij so neverjetni. A še bolj neverjeten je prizor z osrednjega dvorišča, kjer se kot katedrale visoki ostanki stavb dvigajo proti modremu nebu. Prizori, ki jih ne bomo pozabili še kar nekaj dni.

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This time I am publishing the last post about our trip around Uzbekistan. After visiting the sterile old town of Khiva, we finally saw some life on the outskirt of the city while leaving to the northwest. The city’s weekly market attracts locals from all the nearby towns and villages and wandering among the stalls full of super friendly locals was another really nice experience. But since we had quite a few kilometers ahead of us, we slowly made our way to the northwest. The main goal of that day, in addition to arriving to Nukus, was the visit (according to the owner of the hotel in Khiva) to the most beautiful ruins of the old sand fortresses, the fortress of Jampik Kala. And the gentleman was definitely not wrong. Already a few kilometers before arriving at the finish line, we admired from afar the mighty remains of the ancient walls. But you only feel the mightness and grandeur of the fortress when you stand right next to it. More than 10 meter high remains of the walls are amazing. But even more amazing is the scene from the central courtyard, where tall remains of the buildings, like cathedrals rise towards the blue sky. It was just spectacular.

