Posočje 2. del: slap Kozjak in Nadiža

V posočju bi lahko brez težav preživel kakšen teden ali dva. Že kar nekaj let hodimo v tiste konce in še vedno se mi zdi, da nismo videli skoraj ničesar. 🙂 Po prvi etapi v okolici Tolmina, o kateri sem pisal tu, smo se v lepem sončnem vremenu naslednji dan počasi podali proti severu. Najprej je bil na vrsti Kobarid in slap Kozjak, potem kobariška pohodna pot, v popoldanskem času pa smo prvič zavili tudi v Breginjski kot in do reke Nadiže. Nadižo smo obiskali prvič in po videnem zagotovo ne tudi zadnjič. 😉

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I could easily spend a week or two in the Soča Valley. We’ve been visiting those parts for quite a few years now and I still feel like we haven’t seen almost anything. 🙂 After the first stage of our trip in the vicinity of Tolmin (I wrote about it here), we headed north in nice sunny weather the next day. First it was Kobarid and the Kozjak waterfall, then the Kobarid hiking trail, and in the afternoon we visited for the first time the Breginjski kot and the river Nadiža. We visited Nadiža for the first time and fro sure not for the last time. 😉

