Prvi teden v Ladakh, Indija

V bistvu niti ne vem kje začeti. 🙂 Ladakh, puščavnata visokogorska dežela na stičišču himalajskega pogorja in tibetanske planote je dežela, kamor smo se odpravili na začetku našega potepanja po Indiji. Dežela nasmejanih obrazov, fantastične pokrajine, samostanov kot iz najlepših sanj in bogate kulturne dediščine nas kljub samo 6 dnem na poti ni pustila ravnodušne. Sploh danes, ko smo vsi trije še vedno pod vtisom opazovanja jutranjega budističnega verskega obreda “puja” v samostanu nedaleč stran. Drugače pa so bili prvi dnevi precej pestri. Če smo prva dva dneva bojevali vsak svoj boj z visoko nadmorsko višino 3000 metrov in več, je bilo ostale dni bolj pestro in zagotovo bolj prijetno. Obisk doline nedaleč stran od pakistanske meje, kjer potomci Aleksandra Velikega, pripadniki ljudstva Drokpa še danes živijo precej odmaknjeno od ostalega sveta, je bil zagotovo eden izmed vrhuncev. A bojim se, da bo teh vrhuncev na tem potovanju kar preveč. 🙂 Drugače pa je kljub jeseni vreme ta trenutek v Ladakhu naravnost čarobno. Dnevne temperature se gibljejo na prijetnih 15-20 stopinjah, zato čez dan zadostujejo že kratki rokavi. Turistov praktično ni več, hrana pa je tako ali tako TOP! Dokler ne bomo obsedeli na WC-ju. 🙂

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I really don’t know how to start this post. 🙂 Ladakh, land of high passes, magical land in the middle of great Himalaya range and Tibetan plateau on the other side was the first stop on our trip around India. The country of smiling faces, fantastic landscape, monasteries from the most beautiful dreams and with rich cultural heritage, left us speechless despite the fact that we are here for only 6 days yet. But the first days were quite different. First 2 days we had to handle with a high altitude of 3000 meters and more. But after successful acclimatization days were better. 🙂 A visit to the valley not far from the Pakistan border, where the descendants of Alexander the Great, members of the people of Drokpa still live, was certainly one of the highlights. But I am afraid that there will be many more of them on our trip. 🙂 Despite the autumn, the weather in Ladakh right now is really amazing. Daily temperatures range from a pleasant 15-20 degrees, so short sleeves are sufficient throughout the day. Most of the tourists already left and food is top notch.

