Tre Cime – Dolomiti

Tre Cime, ikona Dolomitov, je bila naša prva destinacija na mini avanturi po Dolomitih. Na parkirišče pred kočo Auronzo smo prispeli šele v popoldanskih urah, ko so praktično vsi pohodniki in turisti že zaključevali s svojimi pohodi. In ko smo začeli z našim mini pohodom, so bile gore skoraj čisto prazne. Družinsko smo se odpravili skoraj vse do koče Locatelli, sam pa sem s fotoaparatom nadaljeval še naprej, v iskanju čim boljše lokacije za lepo večerno fotko.

Tre Cime, the icon of the Dolomites, was our first destination on our mini adventure in the Dolomites. When we arrived late in the afternoon to the parking place in front of the Auronzo hut, hikers were already leaving the mountains. And when we started our mini trek, the mountains were almost completely empty. Together we made a trip almost to the Locatelli hut and I continued with my camera in search for the best possible location for a nice evening photo. it was just unforgettable. 

