Ring of Kerry, Irska

Kdorkoli je kdaj potoval po deželah na skrajnem severu Evrope ve, da lepo vreme ni ravno samoumevno. 🙂 In ko smo na jugozahodnem delu Irske videli odlično napoved za naslednjih nekaj dni, smo vedeli, da je treba čas prekleto dobro izkoristiti. “Ring of Kerry”, 180 kilometrov dolga krožna cestna tura v grofiji Kerry, je na spisku želja praktično vseh obiskovalcev Irske. Gre za tisti pravi road trip, z nepozabnimi razgledi, divjimi klifi, tradicionalnimi vasicami in simpatično belimi hiškami, posejanimi na zeleni preprogi. Mi smo s turo začeli v mestecu Kenmare, kjer je bilo še vedno prav vse v znamenju Halloweena, potem pa počasi nadaljevali v smeri urinega kazalca mimo Staigue okrogle trdnjave, neštetih klifov vse do Portmagee in otoka Valentia. Pravijo, da je sončni zahod iz otoka Valentia najlepši na Irskem – a o tem bo sodil kdo drug – v našem primeru se je popoldne vreme in vremenska napoved že spremenila. 🙂 🙂

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Anyone who has ever traveled to the countries in the far north of Europe knows that the beautiful weather is not taken for granted. 🙂 And when we saw a great weather forecast for the next couple of days in the south-west of Ireland, we knew, that we have to take advantage of it. The “Ring of Kerry”, a 180 kilometer circular road tour in Kerry County, is on the wish list of almost all travelers to Ireland. Its a real road trip, with unforgettable views, wild cliffs, traditional villages and cute white houses, scattered on green carpet. We started our road trip in the town of Kenmare, where Halloween was still topic number one, and then we slowly continued clockwise past the Staigue Round Fort, countless cliffs all the way to Portmagee and Valentia Island. They say that the sunset from Valentia Island is the most beautiful in Ireland – but somebody else will judge it – in our case, the weather changed in the afternoon and the weather forecast also. 🙂 🙂

