Sass de Putia, Dolomiti, Italija

Sass de Putia, mogočna, 2875 metrov visoka gora, ki leži na obrobju nacionalnega parka Puez-Odle v Dolomitih, je prava paša za oči. Pravijo, da je 360 stopinjski razgled z njenega vrha božanski, a za nas so bili božanski že razgledi s planin pod njenimi severnimi ostenji. 🙂 Planine so drugače lahko dostopne, poti so lepe in urejene in nič neobičajnega ni, če srečaš na poti tudi kakšno družino z malo bolj off road vozičkom. 🙂

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Sass de Putia, a mighty 2875 meters high mountain that lies on the outskirts of the Puez-Odla National Park in the Dolomites, is a real eye catcher. They say that the 360 degree view from its summit is really spectacular, but for us it was spectacular also from meadows on the northern part of the mountain. The meadows are easily accessible, the trails are beautiful and there is nothing unusual if you meet also families with their almost 4×4 baby buggies. 🙂

