Bohinjsko jezero zmaga

Kljub temu, da se je marsikdo konkretno pritoževal nad visokimi temperaturami v zadnjih dveh tednih, pa je nam “vročinski val” ponudil tisto, v čemer uživamo najbolj – uživanju v vodnih dogodivščinah. 🙂 In glede tega smo imeli letos res pestro. V zadnjih dveh tednih smo tako poleg vseh službenih obveznosti 3x zavili v Iški vintgar in uživali v vodnem pohajkovanju, 2x s kajaki kolovratili po Bohinjskem jezeru, 2x z napihljivimi blazinami potovali po sosednji Savi Bohinji, za piko na i pa smo s kajaki  in vso podvodno kramo skočili še na sosednji otok Krk. 🙂 🙂  A kljub temu, da so bile vse lokacije vrhunske, Bohinj in Sava Bohinjka pač zmagata. 🙂 No, vsaj pri nas. 😉

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Even though many people complaint about the high temperatures in the last two weeks, they offered us what we enjoy the most – enjoying water adventures. 🙂 And in this 2 weeks we had a blast. 🙂 Despite the fact that we were not on holidays and had to work like crazy, we managed to travel 3x to Iška gorge for amazing water hikes, we went twice with our sea kayaks to magical lake Bohinj and we made 2 tours on Sava Bohinjka river with our inflatables tubes. And because that was not enough, we had to travel also to Krk island and enjoy some time on the water and under it. 🙂 🙂 And despite the fact that all the locations were top-notch, Bohinj lake and Sava Bohinjka simply rules. 🙂 😉

