V medvedjem kraljestu – grad Snežnik


Na slovenski kulturni praznik smo se odpravili na jug. Na sneg, v pravo zimo, zimski idili pa smo dodali še malo kulture. V gradu Snežnik sem bil zaradi poročnega fotografiranja že nekajkrat. Privat še ne. In ker smo doma ravno v fazi vitezov in vseh ostalih junakov s sabljo in ostalimi pripomočki, je bil muzej v njem prava izbira. Ubogi nagačen medved, divji prašiči in ostale živalce so bile le pika na i. 🙂 No, če k temu dodate še bližnje cerkniško jezero, pa je to lahko že pravi družinski celodnevni izlet.

On the Slovene national day of culture we went to the south. We were looking for the fresh snow, idyllic landscape and a bit of culture of course. Snežnik castle and surrounding was the perfect choice. I was already there couple of times now for the wedding photography, but at that time there was no time to check the interior. And because knights and all other heroes with swords are very popular at home right now, the castle was the perfect choice. And if you add Cerknica lake to the trip – well than you are busy for the whole day. 🙂


