Zimska pravljica ob Bohinjskem jezeru


Prvotni plan je bil sobotno jutranje fotografiranje bohinjskega jezera. Svež sneg, prava zimska idila in dobra vremenska napoved so obetali. 🙂 Potem pa so prišli na spored sestanki in jutranje fotkanje je spet padlo v vodo. Vseeno sva se s sinom kasneje odpravila v bohinjske konce in odločitev je bila več kot pravilna. Ob prihodu naju je še pričakalo modro nebo, ki pa je zdržalo le kakšnih 20 minut. Kasneje je le še snežilo, pa spet nehalo in tako vse do večera. No, naju ni motilo, ker se je Bohinj spet pokazal v neverjetni luči.

The original plan was to go photographing lake Bohinj Saturday early in the morning. Fresh snow, winter landscape and good weather forecast – everything was just right. But then I had some meetings and I had to cancel everything. However, later that day, me and my son went there just to enjoy winter landscape and the decision was still right. Upon our arrival the weather was still prefect – well, for about 20 minutes. After that it was just snowing, stopped a little bit and so on until the evening. It didnt bother us, because the entire winter adventure was just unbelievable. And we had the lake just for ourselfs. 🙂 


