Za začetek leta 2020 na Nanos, Slovenija

Novega leta dan je treba začeti tako, kot se šika. 🙂 OK, začetek dneva je bil še precej ležeren, a popoldne je že bilo v stilu, ki mi je všeč. Ker pravo zimo trenutno najdeš le v visokogorju, smo za prvo turo v letu 2020 izbrali skoraj pomladanski Nanos. Temperature ob začetku naše popoldanske ture so bile res pomladanske. A proti koncu dneva, ko je zapihal še veter, so bile že konkretno zimske. Tudi tokrat smo ostali do konca – hribi zvečer so res fantastični. 😉

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New Year’s Day must be something special. OK, the beginning of it was still quite laid back, but by the afternoon it was already in the style I liked. Since you can only find the winter in Slovenia in the high mountains at the moment, we have chosen Nanos for our first hike in 2020. The temperatures at the start of our afternoon tour were spring like. But towards the end of the day, when the wind started to blow, the winter arrived. 🙂 Again, we stayed until the end and its really special to be in the mountains at the end of the perfect day. 

