Zimska uživancija – Velika planina

Veliko planino nisem obiskal že leta. Plani so sicer bili, tako v poletnih kot tudi zimskih mesecih a na koncu je ponavadi zmagala vedno kakšna druga destinacija. In če je poleti dostop do planine precej enostaven (ponavadi smo začeli s turo na Kranjskem Raku), je pozimi, po kakšnem obilnem sneženju, zadeva malo bolj komplicirana. In ker je bilo sneženje pred dobrim tednom dni res konkretno, smo se na Veliko planino prvič podali z gondolo. Kljub temu, da je bila prognoza lepa, smo v tistih nekaj urah doživeli praktično vse – najprej sončno idilo, potem pravi snežni metež z meglo, no na koncu dneva pa še prav idiličen sončni zahod s polarnimi temperaturami. Če se boste v naslednjih dneh slučajno podali v tiste konce toplo priporoča, da s seboj vzamete tudi sani – tura od Zelenega roba nazaj do gondole je res vrhunska (sploh po zaprtju smučišča). Lahko pa se udeležite tudi kakšne organizirane sankaške avanture, ki potekajo med vikendi.

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I have not visited Velika planina for years now. We had plans in the summer and winter months, but in the end, we usually decided to go somewhere else. And if in the summer access to the mountain is quite easy (usually we started a tour from Kranjski Rak), it is a bit more complicated in the winter, especially after heavy snowfall. And because it was snowing like crazy more then a week ago, we decided to start our trip with a cable car. The weather forecast was amazing, but in that day we got perfect sunny day at the beginning, then heavy snow with fog and at the end of the day amazing sunset with almost polar temperatures. In next couple of days there will be even more snowfall and when the weather gets better, it will be the perfect time to go on a trip there. We really recommend to take sledges with you, because there is no better way to finish your day than with great tour to the cable car. They also organize night sledging and it must be really something special. 

