Rt Roca, najzahodnejša točka celinske Evrope, je bila sprva mišljena le kot vmesna točka na poti proti severu. Nobenih pričakovanj, posebnih planov, le kakšna družinska fotka, kratek sprehod in to je to. Potem pa se je proti večeru v 10-ih minutah pooblačilo (res neverjetno je, kako hitro se lahko spremeni vreme ob atlantskem oceanu), že tako močan veter se je še okrepil in počasi smo začeli razmišljati, da odidemo naprej. A tista zaplata brez oblakov tik nad morjem mi je nekako govorila, da bi znalo biti ob sončnem zahodu še zabavno – čakala nas je predstava za čisto 10. Noro. Nepozabno – celi 2 minuti. 🙂
Cape Roca, the westernmost point of continental Europe, was originally intended only as a midway point on the way to the north. No expectations, specific plans, just one family photo, short walk and thats it. In the evening it got totally cloudy in less then 10 minutes, the wind became even stronger and we were already thinking about leaving the place. But there was a patch without clouds just above the sea and I thought that maybe there will be some action and drama at the sunset. Its difficult to find words for a that kind of show. Unbelievable – for 2 minutes. 🙂