Chill out na Pointe du Raz, Bretanija, Francija

Rt Pointe du Raz in njegova okolica je pokrajina po mojem okusu. Mogočni divji klifi, čarobni svetilniki, peščene plaže, deskarji valov v svojem elementu, skratka vse zelo chillout. 🙂 Kljub temu, da smo planirali ostati na Pointe du Raz le nekaj ur, so nas fantastične lokacije za divja prenočevanja in zgoraj našteto prepričali, da smo tam ostali 2 dni. Najlepše dele dneva smo preživeli čisto na koncu rta, s fantastičnim pogledom na svetilnik “La Vieille” in otočke “Ile de Sein” v ozadju. In kljub dobri vremenski napovedi se je muhasto bretansko vreme menjalo skoraj na minuto. Če si še pred nekaj minutami opazoval modro nebo skoraj brez oblačkov, je bila nekaj 10 minut kasneje pred tabo turbulentna fronta. 🙂 In ko vidiš vso tisto noro čorbo oceana okrog majhnega svetilnika Pointe du Raz, si zelo hitro predstavljaš resnično zgodbo, kako sta dva svetilničarja pred leti preživela v svetilniku zaradi močnih neurij, vetra in megla kar nekaj tednov, dobesedno odrezana od sveta. 🙂

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Cape Pointe du Raz and its surroundings is a landscape of my taste. Mighty wild cliffs, magical lighthouses, sandy beaches, surfers in their element … –  a real chill out experience. 🙂 Even though we had planned to stay on Pointe du Raz only for couple of hours, we stayed there also because of amazing wild places to sleep for 2 days. We spent the most beautiful parts of the day right at the end of the cape, with fantastic views of the La Vieille lighthouse and the islands of Ile de Sein in the background. And despite the good weather forecast, the Brittany weather changed almost by a minute. If you watched the blue sky with almost no clouds just a few minutes ago, there was a turbulent weather front a few minutes later. 🙂 And when you see all that crazy ocean around the small lighthouse of Pointe du Raz, you very quickly imagine the true story of how two lighthouse workers spent weeks in the lighthouse because of heavy storms, wind and fog, literally cut off from the rest of the world. 🙂

