Poroka A&L, Galerija Repanšek

Ker smo se konkretno fajn imeli že na predporočnem fotografiranju na skoraj potopljenem Podpeškem jezeru nekaj mesecev nazaj, sem bil 100% prepričan, da bo poročni dan le še nadgradnja zaročnega dne. 😉 In nisem se zmotil. Kljub fenomenalno slabi prognozi in nevihtam, ki smo jih lahko spremljali okoli nas praktično cel dan, je bil poročni dan A&L napolnjen s kupom pozitivne energije. Priča sem bil verjetno enemu izmed najbolj osebnih cerkvenih poročnih obredov, kar sem jih doživel do sedaj in kljub temu, da smo se z A&L srečali šele pred kratkim, je bilo težko ostati ravnodušen – sploh ob vseh objokanih in ganjenih svatih. 😉 Cerkveni obred je potekal v Ljubljani, poročni civilni obred na prostem v Galeriji Repanšek, kjer je pod taktirko skupine Jamm (še prej pa uverturi simpatične Nine Pušlar 😉 )  potekalo tudi poročno slavje. A&L, še enkrat čestitke in le še uživajta tako naprej. 😉

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Because we had a great time at engagement session on almost flooded Podpeč lake, I was sure that wedding day is going to be just an upgrade of the engagement one. 😉 And I was not wrong. 🙂 Despite the horrible weather forecast and storms, that we could see all around us almost the entire day, A&L were full of positive energy. I witnessed probably the most personal and amazing church wedding ceremony in my life and even though I met A&L just couple of months ago, it was hard to stay focused – especially looking at those crying wedding guests. 🙂  The church ceremony took place in Ljubljana, the civil ceremony and party in Galerija Repanšek. First there was lovely Nina Pušlar and her voice, after that Jamm music band. A&L, congratulations again and all the best in the future. 😉

