Za nami je že več kot mesec dni potepanja in glede na vse, kar se nam dogaja, bi lahko vsak teden objavil kar nekaj postov. A priznam, večinoma ni ne energije in ne časa. Trenutno stanje po 37 dneh, 4 državah (trenutno se neplanirano najahamo le nekaj kilometrov od svetovno znanega Angkor Wata), prepotovanih več 1000 kilometrih, uporabi vseh možnih transportnih sredstev in uživanju v fantastični kulinariki juhovzhodne Azije je: vsi še vedno čisto navdušeni nad vagabundskim življenjem – le nekaj lažji: – 8kg pri meni, -3 kg pri Ani, no, Jaka se je celo zredil za +2kg. 🙂 Ne, tehtnice ne smatramo pot obvezno popotniško opremo – le izkoristili smo simpatično airbnb prenočišče, ki smo ga imeli včeraj v Kuala Lumpurju.
Otok Palambak v arhipelagu Banyak je po eni strani že kar oddaljen, a spomini so še vedno več kot sveži. Predstavljajte si Tajsko ali pa Filipine pred 30, 40 leti ali pa mogoče še več – neposeljeni otočki kamor ti seže pogled, število turistov, ki jih lahko prešteješ na prste ene roke in vse po precej ugodni ceni. Ja, takšno idilo lahko še vedno najdete v arhipelagu Banyak. Otok Palambak je le eden izmed štirih otokov, na katerem stojijo preprosti bungalovčki, kjer lahko za nekaj evrov na dan prespiš, se dobro naješ in uživaš v pogledih levo in desno. Da ti pa slučajno ne bo postalo dolgčas, ti je na voljo še kajak, nekaj metrov laksa za lovljenje rib in seveda maska in plavutke za raziskovanje norega podvodnega sveta. Ker želve, nemoti in barakude so res zakon. 🙂
Time is flying so quickly – we are on the road now for more then a month and I would easily post couple of posts per week – well, if there would be energy and time to do that. 🙂 Currently the situation after 37 days, 4 countries (currently we are just couple of kilometers from Angkor Wat – and we didn’t plan to come here at all), 1,000 kilometers on the roads, using all possible means of transportation is: even though we lost couple of “bad” kilograms, me -8kg, Ana -3kg, Jaka add 2kg of positive Asian karma, we still love everything that surrounds us. 🙂
Memories of the Palambak island in the Banyak archipelago are almost 2 weeks old, but still very fresh. Imagine Thailand or the Philippines, 30-40 years ago or maybe more – uninhabited islands everywhere, almost no tourists and you can afford to explore this paradise. Yes, you can find all of this still in the Banyak archipelago. Palambak island is the only one of the four islands, on which stands a simple beach huts, where you can sleep for couple of euros, eat delicious food and enjoy in amazing nature. And in case that’s not enough for you – you can use a kayak to explore the surrounding area, you can borrow some fishing line and go fishing or just take a mask and flippers and dive in the crazy underwater world. Yes, turtles, clownfishes and barracudas are awesome. 🙂
Memories of the Palambak island in the Banyak archipelago are almost 2 weeks old, but still very fresh. Imagine Thailand or the Philippines, 30-40 years ago or maybe more – uninhabited islands everywhere, almost no tourists and you can afford to explore this paradise. Yes, you can find all of this still in the Banyak archipelago. Palambak island is the only one of the four islands, on which stands a simple beach huts, where you can sleep for couple of euros, eat delicious food and enjoy in amazing nature. And in case that’s not enough for you – you can use a kayak to explore the surrounding area, you can borrow some fishing line and go fishing or just take a mask and flippers and dive in the crazy underwater world. Yes, turtles, clownfishes and barracudas are awesome. 🙂