Mraz, veter in jesenska idila pod mogočno goro Nantai – Japonska

Prvo noč na Japonskem smo preživeli tik ob jezeru Chuzenji, ki leži skoraj 1300 metrov visoko, tik ob mogočni gori vulkanu Nantai. In prav nič prijetna ni bila tista noč. Temperature so bile čisto zimske in ko je v zgodnjih jutranjih urah zapihal še ekstremno močan veter, so bile temperature zjutraj krepko pod ničlo. Obe idilični lokaciji ležita v nacionalnem parku Nikko, ki leži tik ob zelo znanem in zgodovinsko pomembnem mestu Nikko. In če je mesto s svojimi templji pravi magnet za turiste skozi celotno leto, sta jezero in okolica popularna predvsem jeseni, ko Japonci zaradi jesenskih barv dobesedno ponorijo. In podoben cirkus je nastal tudi na tisti naš mrzel jesenski dan. 🙂 Najprej so priletele množice fotografov, sledile so trume penzionistov, šolarjev. In če smo bili na razglednem hribu nad jezerom po zajtrku še sami, smo slap Kegon v njegovi neposredni bližini že delili z nekaj avtobusi, polnimi nadebudnih osnovnošolcev.

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We spent the first night in Japan right next to Lake Chuzenya, that is almost 1300 meters high, just off the mighty Nantai volcano. And it was not a very pleasent night. The temperatures were winter like and when it became very windy early in the morning, the temperatures were well below zero. Both idyllic locations lie in Nikko National Park, which lies just next to the very famous and historically important Nikko town. And if the town is a real magnet for tourists all year round, the lake and its surroundings are popular especially in the autumn, when the Japanese get really crazy due to autumn colours. And it was the same on our cold autumn day. 🙂 First arrived crowds of photographers, then many many buses of schoolchildren and elders. And if we were alone on the lookout hill above the lake after breakfast, we already shared the Kegon waterfall with many many energetic scholars. 🙂

