Poroka J&Ž, Grad Tuštanj

Poročna sezona 2018 je za mano, zadnji poročni post pa bo namenjen poročnemu dnevu J&Ž. Bil je to dan poln akcije, precej jesenskih temperatur, pa tudi skoraj poletnih. 🙂 Kljub temu, da se je celotno poročno dogajanje večinoma odvijalo v okolici Moravč pri Domžalah (civilni obred v lepem Gradu Tuštanj), smo se na željo mladoporočencev za session odpeljali na Gorenjsko. Najprej smo zavili v pokljuško hosto in uživali v res veličastnem gozdu, gorenjsko turnejo pa smo zaključili s čolni na Blejskem jezeru. J&Ž, uživajta. 😉

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The wedding season 2018 is behind me and the last wedding post will be dedicated to the wedding day of J & Ž. It was a day full of action, quite low temperatures at the beginning and the end but also summer like in mid day 🙂 And despite the fact that the entire wedding day took place in the Moravče area near Domžale (a civil ceremony in the beautiful Tuštanj castle), we drove to the Gorenjska region for the photo session. First we stopped in Pokljuka forest and we finished the tour on famous Lake Bled. J&Ž, we wish you all the best.

