Poroka Tine in Stefana – Bled

Tole poročno fotografiranje je bilo pa res nekaj posebnega. Tino in Stefana sem preko dobrih prijateljev iz Maribora prvič srečal pred nekaj meseci. Super par in nasploh super človeka sta se mi zdela že od začetka. In taka zanimiva kombinacija. Tina Slovenka, Stefan Nemec, skupaj pa že kar nekaj let vandrata po našem planetu. In za poročni dan sta si izbrala Bled. Tinine priprave so potekale v čudovitem hotelu Grand hotel Toplice, obred pa na našem edinem otoku. In moram priznati, da je bil če ne najlepši, pa zagotovo med lepšimi obredi, katerim sem imel možnost do sedaj prisostvovati. Potem krajši session in odhod na blejski grad, kjer je potekala zabava. Fotografiranje je bilo zaradi vaju, Tina in Stefan, prava uživancija. Upam le, da bom imel v prihodnje še kakšno podobno priložnost, na kateri bom izpilil moje znanje “poročne” angleščine. 🙂 Tina in Stefan, želim vama kar se da zanimivo življenje. Pa da vaju bo pot še kdaj zanesla v Slovenijo. Spodaj je nekaj fotk, nekatere med njimi so izdelki moje boljše polovice.

Now just in English (sorry, my German, Spanish.. are to weak 🙂 )This wedding photography was really something special. I met Tina and Stefan a few months ago, introduced by my good friends from Maribor. From the moment we met, I knew that they are great couple and great people.  And such an interesting combination. Tina from Slovenia, Stefan from Germany, both wandering around the world for the last couple of years.  And for the wedding day, they chose Bled. Tinas preparation took place in the beautiful Grand Hotel Spa, the ceremony took place on the lake Bled island. And I have to admit that the wedding ceremony was one of  the most beautiful ceremonies that I had the opportunity to attend. After a short photo session we went to the castle, where they held the party. Photo shooting  was because of you, Tina and Stefan, just amazing. I just hope that I will have in the future any similar occasion on which I will polish my skills in “wedding”  English. 🙂 Tina and Stefan, I wish you to have full and exciting life. Below are some photos, some of them are from my better half.

