Poroka Nike in Martina -Grad Kromberk

_X3A0387Glede na letošnjo poročno sezono sedaj vem, da mi nekaj manjka in da bo treba v nakup. Tomosi so očitno spet in. In starejši so, lepši so. Že pred dobrim mesecem dni so me okužili z navdušenjem na poroki Nuše in Andraža, no, prejšnjo soboto, na poroki Nike in Martina, pa je bila dodana le še pika na i. 🙂  Poroka N&M, 8.8. na 38 stopinjah (v cerkvi še kakšnih 10 zraven), je potekala med vročimi, lepimi Vipavskimi griči. Priprave doma, civilni obred na gradu Kromberk, cerkveni v Preserjah nad Branikom in zabava na domačiji Čebron – gostilni Rahela. Še en nepozaben, ekstra zabaven dan. Nika in Martin, želiva vama vse lepo. Čim več popotovanj in čim več nepozabnih kilometrov na vajinih lepotcih. 🙂

Well, now I know that I have to buy something new. Because Tomos motorbikes are clearly popular again. And the older, the prettier they are. I was infected with this enthusiasm already at the wedding of Nuša and Andraž. On last Saturday, at the wedding of Nika in Martin, it was the same story. 🙂 Wedding day of N & M, on 8.8. at 38 degrees (in the church you had to add maybe 10 or more degrees), was held in hot, beautiful Vipava Hills. Preparations were held at home, the civil ceremony at the castle Kromberk, church ceremony in Preserje near Branik and the party at the Rahela restaurant. Another unforgettable, extra fun day. Nika and Martin, we wish you all the best. Travel as much as possible and enjoy many unforgettable kilometers on your beautiful Tomos motorbikes. 🙂


