Potopljeni zvonik na Lago di Resia – Italija

Legenda pravi, da lahko pozimi še vedno slišiš zvonjenje cerkvenih zvonov iz potopljenega zvonika na Lago di Resia oziroma Rechensee na južnem Tirolskem v Italiji. Pred dnevi nas je pot zanesla tudi na to umento akumuluacijsko jezero tik ob meji Italije z Avstrijo in Švico. Malo po drugi svetovni vojni so z gradnjo jezu zalili dobršen del doline, med drugim tudi cerkev in cerkveni zvonik, ki pa zvoni le še v legendah. In ker smo imeli s seboj naše kajake, je bil prvotni plan tudi kajakiranje na samem jezeru, preddvsem pa uživati v tem nenavadnem razgledu tudi z jezerske gladine. A plani so eno, realnost pa ponavadi nekaj drugega. 🙂 Vode je bilo zelo malo, pihal je skoraj orkanski veter in le jaz sem bil toliko norca, da sem se v jutranjih urah podal na ta krajši, a nič manj čarobni izlet.

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The legend says that you can still hear the ringing of church bells in the winter from the sunken church tower at the Lago di Resia or Rechensee in southern Tyrol, Italy. A few days ago we had the opportunity to stop on the way on this artificial lake in southern Tirol in Italy, not far away from Italy and Switzerland. After the Second World War, a large part of the valley was flooded because of the dam, including the church and church tower. And because we had our kayaks with us, the original plan was also kayaking on the lake and enjoy in this strangely beautiful vista also from the middle of the lake. But plans are sometimes a bit different from the reality. 🙂 🙂 The water level was very low and it was extremely windy. And because I am probably the craziest person of my family, I did a short tour early in the morning, where wind was still bearable. 🙂 Sort of. 🙂 

