Skadarsko jezero in reka Crnojeviča s kajakom, Črna Gora

Kamp v Rijeki Crnojevića ni bil nič drugega kot lepo pokošen travnik tik ob reki, z majhnim zidanim WC-jem. A bistvo kampa je bila šefica, ki je bila spet zgodba zase. Po začetnem kramljanju in popitem pivu nas je povprašala, če bi želeli tudi kaj domače zelenjave – za h kosilu, večerji. In ker se nismo branili, se je usedla v svoj kombi, se odpeljala, čez dobro uro pa priletela nazaj, v rokah pa velika, bela PVC vreča polna domačih pridelkov.  🙂 🙂 Korenje, domača čebula, solata, peteršilj … Vse je bilo seveda zastonj. 😉

Severni del Skadarskega jezera je zgodba zase in ni ravno veliko tako fotogeničnih krajev po Evropi. Fantastični razgledniki na reko Crnojevića so se kar vrstili, zanimive so bile majhne ribiške vasice, najboljše od vsega pa je bilo, ko smo vse skupaj začinili še z res fajn kajakaško turo. Kamorkoli smo zavili, so bili domačini res neverjetno prijazni. Najprej lokalni ribiči, potem vaški mulci, ki so si nas ogledovali pri pripravi kajak opreme. Vsi zvedavi, predvsem pa polni humorja. 🙂 Črna gora je zakon.

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The campsite in Rijeka Crnojevića was nothing more than a beautifully mowed meadow right next to the river, with a small toilet. But the best part of the campsite was the owner – lady, who was super friendly.  After the initial chat and a beer, she asked us if we would like some home-grown vegetables – for lunch, dinner. And because we thought that it would be great to eat some fresh salad, she got into her van, drove away, and in a good hour flew back, holding a large, white PVC bag full of home-grown produce. 🙂 🙂 Carrots, onions, lettuce, parsley …. Everything was of course for free. 😉

The northern part of Skadar Lake is a story in itself and there are not so many beautiful places like this in Europe. Fantastic viewpoints on the river Crnojević were spectacular, small fishing villages were interesting, but the best of all was when we spiced everything up with a really nice kayak tour. Everywhere we turned, the locals were really incredibly friendly. First the local fishermen, then the village kids who watched us prepare the kayak equipment. Everyone were curious, but above all full of great jokes. 🙂 Montenegro is truly something special.

