Trupejevo poldne in naokrog – zadnja doza letošnjih macesnov

Evo, še zadnja doza jesenskih macesnov, potem pa počasi prešaltam na odtenke zelene. 🙂 Preden smo se podali na sever, sem zadnje lepe popoldneve pred odhodom preživel na lepih kratkih turah po slovenskih hribih. Časa in energije za konretne ture ni bilo a tudi s krajšimi se nisem pritoževal. Zadnja tura je bila tura na Trupejevo poldne v Karavankah. Lepi konci. Razgledni in ko v jesenskih dneh zažarijo še zlati macesni – vrhunsko!!!

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Below is probably the last dose of autumn larch trees for this year and after that it will be time for shades of green. 🙂 Before heading north, I spent the last beautiful afternoon hiking in Slovenian mountains. Because I didnt have energy and time it was time for just short hikes but some of them were truly spectacular. The last one I made was the hike to Trupejevo poldne. Its a great hike especially in autumn time when all those larch trees turn gold. Just superb. 

