V deželi japonskega kakija, Tsumago Juku, Japonska

Potovanje po starodavni poti Nakasendo, poti, po kateri so potovali samuraji, romarji, japonski veljaki… je bila res nekaj posebnega. In če smo se v jutranjih in poznih večernih urah ubadali predvsem s čisto prenizkimi temperaturami (beri mrzlo za čist znoret 🙂 ), smo čez dan uživali v občudovanju fantastičnih vasic, crkljanju brbončic s kulinaričnimi presežki in navduševali domačine s tem, da je slovenski kaki identičen japonskemu. 🙂 Po videzu, barvi in tudi besedi – le da se namesto slovenskega A-ja naglasi japonski kakI. 🙂 Nisem si mislil, da bomo kdaj tako goreče debatirali s tujci ravno o kakiju ali kateremkoli drugem sadežu. A glede na to, da smo se skoraj iz vsake hiše vrnili z dobro mero nove zastonj kaki porcije, se nad tem nismo ravno pritoževali. 🙂  🙂

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Traveling along the ancient route of Nakasendo, the route through which the samurai, pilgrims, Japanese rulers traveled … was really special. In the morning, late evening and at night we were really struggling with very low temperatures. During the day we admired fantastic villages, enjoyed super delicious food and chatted with locals about the fact, that the slovenian persimmon is 99% the same as japanese. It’s the same colour, the same taste – there is just a difference how to pronounce the word – in Slovenia kAki, in Japan kakI. :):) I did not think that we would ever be debating so much with strangers about any kind of fruit. And we did not complain about it – especially because we left almost every house with free KAKI in our bags. 🙂 

