Če nam je polotok Dingle ponudil verjetno res tisto najboljše, kar Irska ima in še to v čudovitem vremenu, pa je bila pot po zahodni obali Irske proti severu v znamenju tistega “pravega” Irskega vremena in konkretni nalivi so skupaj z močnim vetrom hitro ubili kakšne plane po pohajkovanju. Z Dingla smo se preko prelaza “Connor” in zaliva “Brandon bay” počasi premikali proti severu. Polotok, kjer na koncu le tega kraljuje svetilnik “Loop head”, smo opazovali le skozi zarošeno okno avtomobila. Na mogočnih in svetovno znanih klifih Moher pa smo imeli kljub noremu nalivu celo željo po krajšem sprehodu – no, po samo nekaj minutah smo premočeni kot cucki ugotovili, da stvar ni prav nič zabavna. 🙂 Tisto noč smo preživeli v simpatičnem in popolnoma praznem hostlu, kjer smo ob kaminu naredili plan za naprej. Naslednji dan tako najprej do kraške pokrajine “Burren”, potem pa mimo “Poulnabrone dolmen-a” počasi do Galwaya in naprej. Velika želja nam je bila, da bi obiskali otoke Aran. A morje je imelo tiste dni druge načrte. Po cesti smo se tako zapeljali le do otoka Lettermullan, od koder smo skozi meglo in tisto uro tudi brez dežja, le občudovali obrise otoka Inishmore, o katerem so prav vsi domačini govorili le v superlativih.
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Dingle Peninsula probably gave us the best Ireland can offer – amazing landscape in beautiful weather. But the same morning we left Dinlge, the weather changed and we saw also typical weather that Ireland can offer – heavy rain and strong winds. The journey on the west coast of Ireland towards the north was wet almost all the time. 🙂 From Dingle, we slowly made our way north through the Connor Pass and Brandon Bay. We saw the peninsula, where the “Loop Head” lighthouse stands just thorugh the window of the car. On cliffs of Moher we were brave, but maybe just for couple of minutes. It was raining like crazy and it was windy but we decided to walk around a little bit. Well, just for couple of minutes – after that we returned to the car soaking wet. 🙂 We spent that night in a cute and completely empty hostel, where sitting by a fireplace, we made the plan for the next couple of days. The next day, we went first to the karst landscape of “Burren”, then slowly past the “Poulnabrone dolmen” to Galway and beyond. We really hoped to visit the Aran Islands. But the sea had other plans for those days. So we drove only to Lettermullan Island, from where we admired the Inishmore Island, true beauty of the Aran islands.