Uvod v spektakularno dolino Boszhira, Kazahstan

Pred nami sta bila še zadnja dva dneva raziskovanja zahodnega Kazahstana oziroma pokrajine Mangystau in glede na izjave vodiča Sergeya je bilo tisto pravo šele pred nami. 🙂 Plato Ustyurt ponuja ogromno in ko smo pred prihodom razpravljali o planu kaj obiskati in kaj ne,  je bila izbira res težka. A že od začetka smo vedeli, da brez videti dolino Boszhira, enostavno ne gremo domov. 🙂 🙂 Če je zjutraj vreme še sodelovalo, pa je popoldan prišla napovedana sprememba – orkanski veter predvsem pa peščeni viharji so izpostavljene pohode delali malo manj prijetne. Prva lokacija, ki je ponujala kar nekaj zaščite prd vetrom, so bili kanjoni, ki jih je Sergey poimenoval zaradi svojih barv oziroma strukture kar “kanjoni tiramisu”. 🙂 V kanjonih so v zadnjem času našli ogromno fosiliziranih ostankov starodavnih živali, med drugim tudi fosilizirane zobe najstarejših in največjih morskih psov. Kako je to vplivalo na domišljijo našega najmlajšega, niti ne bom razlagal. 🙂 Sledila je tura do najlepše razgledne točke na dolino Boszhira, ki ponuja nepozaben razgled na to čudo narave. Mislim, da smo šele tam ugotovili veličino doline, predvsem pa dobili občutek, kaj vse nas čaka naslednji dan. Več o tem pa v naslednjem postu.

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The last two days of exploring western Kazakhstan or the province of Mangystau were still ahead of us, and according to our guide Sergey, top spots were just ahead of us. 🙂 The Ustyurt plateau offers a lot and when we discussed the plan of what to visit, it was a tough choice. But we knew from the beginning that without seeing the Boszhira Valley, we simply would not go home. 🙂 🙂 If the weather was still cooperating in the morning, the announced change came in the afternoon – the hurricane wind and especially the sandstorms made the exposed hikes a little less pleasant. The first location to offer quite a bit of protection from the wind were the canyons, which Sergey called “tiramisu canyons” because of its colors and structure. 🙂 In the canyons, a huge number of fossilised remains of ancient animals have recently been found, including fossilised teeth of the oldest and largest sharks. How this affected the imagination of our youngest one, I will not even explain. 🙂 After that we traveled to the most beautiful vantage point of the Boszhira valley, which offers an unforgettable view of this wonder of nature. I think it was only there that we realised the grandeur of the valley and, above all, got a sense of what awaits us all the next day. 

